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Howard Lewis
About The Author
Howard Lewis brings a multifarious box of tricks to the table. After years of spectacular underachievement in school, he entered the stock market before his interests led him to cofound Thesaurus (now called Invaluable), a pioneer in the provision of electronic information services to the art and collectibles world. He is now the director of the Schorr Collection which, though dominated by old master paintings, includes many diverse categories, and he was instrumental in the evolution of a collection of very early and rare toys, games, and educational material for children.
Cultured, creative, and curious, Howard started OFFLINE for people to engage in conversation without technological distractions.
Howard is a member of The Savile Club and The London Library and a long-term season ticket holder at Arsenal FC, true purveyors of the beautiful game.
Cultured, creative, and curious, Howard started OFFLINE for people to engage in conversation without technological distractions.
Howard is a member of The Savile Club and The London Library and a long-term season ticket holder at Arsenal FC, true purveyors of the beautiful game.
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