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Jean Minton

About The Author

Jean Minton witnessed many children who lost their parents to AIDS in the early 2000s as a Peace Corps health volunteer in Malawi. This experience opened her eyes to the possibility of adopting. In San Francisco a decade later, she volunteered on the board of directors for Adopt A Special Kid (AASK), a foster-to-adopt agency. AASK’s mission captured her heart and cemented her desire to create her own forever family with the help of the foster-to-adopt process. As she considered starting a family, she sought resources to help understand the foster-to-adopt process. She didn’t find quite what she wanted―so decided to write it herself. Minton earned a Bachelor of Science at Duke University and her MBA at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. She lives in Sacramento, California, works in healthcare administration, and is a Board Member for Lilliput Children’s Services (a similar organization to AASK). She spends much of her time outdoors and with family and friends.

Books by Jean Minton