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Rebecca Austill-Clausen

About The Author

Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS is a Reiki Master Teacher, Occupational Therapist, award-winning author, and inspirational speaker. She had no psychic or spiritual experience when she discovered her ability to communicate with her deceased brother. Austill-Clausen struggled with how her spiritual awakening and eventual spiritual transformation could mesh with the practical everyday world but knew she had to find a way to make it happen. Austill-Clausen kept her spiritual adventures quiet for twenty years while she explored multiple spiritual avenues including after-death communication, automatic writing, meditation, shamanism, Reiki, sound healing, past life regression, crystal energy, and even adventures with the fairy realm. Simultaneously she became a leader in national and state Occupational Therapy activities. Eventually, after growing her one-person private rehabilitation practice to 375 therapists, servicing 13,000 clients a year, she gained the courage to share her story, sold her business, and now teaches empowering After-Death Communication workshops and Reiki trainings worldwide.

Books by Rebecca Austill-Clausen