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Suzanne Marriott

About The Author

Suzanne Marriott is a memoirist and deep-travel writer who shares her transformative experiences with her readers. Her writings on compassionate caregiving have been published in The Union newspaper, and Writer Advice awarded her the “Scintillating Start Prize” for the first chapter of Watching for Dragonflies. Her personal essay, “Indian Summer,” was included in the ebook anthology Seasons of Our Lives: Autumn and won the 2012 Fall Memoir Writing Contest for Women’s Memoirs. Suzanne’s stories of deep travel have appeared on the award-winning website Your Life is a Trip and Soul of Travel Magazine. Suzanne holds an MS in education and an MA in transpersonal psychology, and is a former teacher and grant proposal writer. She lives in an ecologically conscious cohousing development in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Visit Suzanne at for more on compassionate caregiving and for more on deep travel. She lives in Grass Valley, CA.

Books by Suzanne Marriott