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Sybil Geldart

About The Author
Sybil Geldart, PhD is an associate professor of psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, with research interests broadly based in human development and health psychology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Waterloo, a Master of Arts from Western University and a PhD from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. Dr. Geldart has served as vice-chair of the university's Research Ethics Board, vice-chair of University Senate and as assistant dean of program development in the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. Dr. Geldart has more than 28 years of university instructing and currently teaches in the areas of abnormal psychology, clinical psychology and special education. Outside the university she has a part-time clinical practice and is a registered psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. She is trained in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based therapeutic approaches for adults, adolescents and children. Both in teaching and clinical practice, Dr. Geldart equips adults and young people with a toolbox of coping and life skills to help deal with the many stressors we all face at work and school.
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