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Will Cady
About The Author
Will Cady, Reddit’s Global Brand Ambassadorand founding Head of Creative Strategy, is in aunique position to listen to the real-time needs and concerns of thousands of media-driven communi-ties today, while predicting tomorrow’s trends for culture. In his role as strategist, Cady has leveragedhis uniquely blended approach of creativity andmysticism to counsel business leaders towardimpactful, empathetic marketing of powerhousebrands in tech, including Apple, Google, Samsung,T-Mobile, AT&T, and Adobe. He has worked withmajor household brands such as Toyota, LEGO, McDonald’s, Chipotle, and Coca-Cola. In addi-tion, he has consulted with entertainment leaders at Netflix, Disney, Amazon Studios, Paramount,and more. Cady has appeared on stage in front ofthousands at SXSW, the Consumer ElectronicsShow, the Cannes Lions International Festival ofCreativity, and The Gathering. In 2020, he wasnamed in Adweek’s “Top 50” 2020, for tech, media,and marketing.
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