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Along Parallel Lines

A History of the Railways of News South Wales 1850-1986

Published by Melbourne University Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹1,071.00


About The Book

Railways have played an immense part in the history of New South Wales. The parallel lines extended as the population grew and themselves made possible new settlement and new industries. Railways crossed the mountain barriers that surround Sydney and opened up both the vast hinterland and the northern and southern coasts. Railways joined every part of New South Wales to Sydney in a distinctive, centralized pattern. They also joined New South Wales to the neighbouring colonies and states.

About The Author

John Gunn was born in England but moved to Australia at age three. During World War II he was a destroyer navigator and Fleet Air Arm Pilot. After the war, Gunn wrote children’s books during the 1950s and 1960s. His novel Sea Menace won the Book of the Year Award of the Children’s Book Council. He also wrote Water Hazard (1995), Contested Skies (1999) and the play, Hildegard, premiering in May 1999.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Melbourne University Publishing (February 28, 2014)
  • Length: 1028 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780522865363

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