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 Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis

Women Writers Respond to the Call

Published by She Writes Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹741.00


About The Book

Art keeps good alive in the worst of times. In the face of ugliness, pain, and death, it’s art that has the power to open us all to a healing imagining of new possibility; it’s art that whispers to the collective that even in the ashes of loss, life always grows again. That’s why right now, in this tumultuous time of war and pandemic, we need poets more than we need politicians.

In response to the multitude of global crises we’re currently experiencing, editor Stefanie Raffelock put out a much-needed call to her writing community for art to uplift and inform the world, and the authors of She Writes Press answered. Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis—a sometimes comforting, sometimes devastating, but universally relatable collection of prose, poetry, and art about living through difficult times like these—is the result. Addressing topics including grief and loss, COVID-19 and war in Ukraine, the gravity of need and being needed, the broad range of human response to crisis in all its forms, and more, these pieces explore how we can find beauty, hope, and deeper interpretation of world events through art—even when the world seems like it’s been turned inside out and upside-down.

Proceeds: Our Commitment

The collection of essays, poetry, and art in this book are meant to feed and nourish our hearts and minds. It’s what women do—we feed people. To that end, the proceeds from this work will be donated to the nonprofit World Central Kitchen, an organization conceived by chef José Andrés as a way to feed people affected by natural disasters and war.

World Central Kitchen financially supports food banks and restaurants that provide free food throughout the world.

Product Details

  • Publisher: She Writes Press (June 28, 2022)
  • Length: 368 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781647424909

Raves and Reviews

“These are brave and beautiful and riveting pieces that reinforce the absolute truth that art indeed saves lives, and to make art in the midst of war or crisis or any form of turbulence is triumphant. To make things—create things—to 'write, to sing, to dance, to pay homage to grief upon an altar in the corner of our garden,’ as Stephanie Raffelock writes in the introduction, is indeed how we change the world, clean up the messes of hatred and violence and indecency. Making art is life-changing and life-affirming, and this book, this stunning collection, is filled to the brim with that affirmation.”
—Amy Ferris, author of Marrying George Clooney, Confessions from a Midlife Crisis

“Want a perfect example of `show, don't tell'? It's this book. Show us that art matters in times of despair. Show us the power of a publisher on a mission to raise women's voices. Show us those women coming together create something beautiful. It’s all here in these pages.”

—Jennie Nash, founder and CEO of Author Accelerator

“This extraordinary anthology reminds us that, in the end, love always triumphs. It's a gift for each reader and a much-needed balm for our collective heart and soul.”

—Debra Landwehr Engle, author of The Only Little Prayer You Need and Twenty

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