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Between Lives

Past-Life Regression, Near-Death Experiences, and the Evolution of Consciousness

Published by Destiny Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹798.00


About The Book

• Explores evidence that shows consciousness exists independent of the brain, drawing on the latest research on savant syndrome, lucid dreaming, telepathy, out-of-body experiences, and past-lives

• Draws comparisons and insights from case studies of between-lives regression and near-death experiences—including one of the author’s own—to illustrate their commonalities and objective reality

• Offers tools to raise consciousness, clear past traumas, manage volatile energies, maintain boundaries, and transcend limitations

While neuroscience reveals much about the brain, it has not determined the precise relationship between the brain and consciousness. The authors probe the depths of this relationship while offering practical ways to develop and raise one’s own consciousness.

The authors examine evidence that supports the existence of consciousness independent of the brain, such as savant syndrome, lucid dreaming, telepathic communication in dreams, mediumship, and out-of-body experiences. The authors also consider case studies of near-death experiences—including Kumarasingham’s own—finding commonalities across such phenomena, particularly with between-lives memories gleaned through regression hypnosis. Readers will gain deeper awareness of the spiritual energy imbued within the physical world and learn how to transcend self-imposed limitations.

This book gives exercises to clear stagnant emotional patterns, strengthen relationships, better manage energies, build effective boundaries, and transcend self-imposed limitations. Between Lives offers readers on the spiritual path a means to better understand the nature of their consciousness and more effectively embody and optimize their journey through lives.

About The Authors

Andy Tomlinson is a psy­chotherapist, founder of the Past Life Regression Academy, and a founding member of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association and the Earth Association of Regression Therapy.

Reena Kumarasingham is a regression therapist, between-lives therapist, and trainer and supervisor for the Past Life Regression Academy. Over the last 8 years she has spearheaded the Pioneering the New Consciousness retreats.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Destiny Books (June 10, 2025)
  • Length: 224 pages
  • ISBN13: 9798888501450

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