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About The Book

On the cusp of his 42nd birthday, suave Bombay psychotherapist Farhad Billimoria makes a farewell parade around his city with Zelda, his beloved vintage Maruti. Recently divorced, Farhad has realized that at his age it is impossible to find love in Bombay and is leaving for the greener romantic pastures of America. As he wanders, Farhad’s mind crackles with bittersweet memories, dreadful puns, even a new form of psychotherapy modeled on clouds. But is love finally about to bloom for Farhad in Bombay?

Elsewhere in Bombay, Rabi finds himself pinned in a small suburban apartment as caretaker to two cranky old Brahmins, Eeja and Ooi. Rabi comes from the remote Cloud people of eastern India, a sky-watching tribe who thrill to the play of their god Cloudmaker, and who are menaced by the takeover of their sacred mountain by a mining company. Rabi’s mentor Bhagaban has taken it upon himself to lead their cause—a project for which his parents Eeja and Ooi have little empathy. As Bhagaban directs the forward march of democratic resistance and Eeja and Ooi reassert a golden Indian past, will Rabi have to relinquish the delicate self bequeathed to him by the Cloud people?

Clouds is a story about earth and sky, love and friendship, language and power—a grand, prismatic portrait of modern India in all its tumult and glory.

About The Author

Chandrahas Choudhury is the author of Clouds and Arzee the Dwarf. He is also the editor of the anthology India: A Traveler’s Literary Companion. His essays on literature, travel, and politics appear regularly in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Condé Nast Traveller, and Mint. A long-time resident of Bombay, he now lives in Delhi.

Product Details

  • Publisher: S&S India (March 6, 2025)
  • Length: 416 pages
  • ISBN13: 9788197278969
  • Ages: 16 - 85

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