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[Cu]re Your Fatigue, Second Edition

The Root Cause and How to Fix It On Your Own

Published by BenBella Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹741.00


About The Book

Being tired all the time is not normal—and it’s not something you just have to power through. Reclaim control of your health with this updated edition of the life-changing guide.

Fatigue and lack of energy are one of the top complaints health care professionals hear from their patients. All too often, these individuals are told that “everything looks normal” and sent home with no new information and no way to improve their quality of life. Troublingly, this energy deficiency is also at the root of metabolic syndrome, heart disease, cancer, neurodegeneration, liver disease, PCOS, and more.

If only patients and their doctors knew that their ailments could likely be traced to dysregulation in one key mineral—copper—and that feeling better was within reach.

After decades of research, Morley M. Robbins wrote [Cu]re Your Fatigue to shed light on the culprit behind chronic fatigue: mineral deficiencies. By addressing this “blind spot” in modern medicine, Morley reveals how easy it is to master your metabolism and understand its profound impact on your health.

Boost your energy and improve your health with Robbins’s Root Cause Protocol, while breaking down:
  • How energy is naturally created at the cellular level—and what gets in the way
  • How to properly re-mineralize your body for optimal health
  • The truth about the way stress affects your health
  • Which nutrients and supplements are crucial for wellness
  • Harmful setbacks to avoid in your health journey

This new edition dives deeper into the 5 most common signs of copper dysregulation and features Morley’s latest research on how this protocol can help protect against miscarriages and potential infections, including COVID-19.

Your body is not broken, and you are not stuck like this. Rebalance your body’s minerals and discover how joyful life can be when you have the energy to truly live.

About The Author

Morley M. Robbins is the creator of the Root Cause Protocol, designed to ignite energy in our metabolism, and the author of the popular book [Cu]re Your Fatigue. Also known as “Magnesium Man,” he is a recognized expert on mineral metabolism and the delicate dance that copper plays with iron, magnesium, and calcium. He received his BA in Biology from Denison University in Ohio and holds an MBA from George Washington University in healthcare administration. Morley has completed numerous wellness certification programs, is a certified health coach, and has been a podcast guest on over 300 health programs.

Product Details

  • Publisher: BenBella Books (November 11, 2025)
  • Length: 310 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781637747629

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