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Don't Be Afraid to Win

How Free Agency Changed the Business of Pro Sports

Published by Radius Book Group
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹570.00


About The Book

Professional sports were not always the way they are today. Don’t Be Afraid to Win tells the story of how the National Basketball Association, the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the National Hockey League evolved from teams and leagues that were relatively small businesses into multibillion-dollar industries. The book recounts the critical role the professional athletes played in this evolution and a lawyer who was intimately involved from the beginning and who spent a lifetime interacting with star athletes as well as team owners and league management in all the major leagues.

Labeled by The New York Times as “instrumental in helping change the face of major professional sports,” attorney Jim Quinn has influenced modern sports business for decades. Beginning back in the 1970’s with the landmark Oscar Robertson basketball free agency case, Quinn battled owners in all four major leagues to make sure the players got their fair share. In the early 1990’s, he faced the goliath National Football League and won the right to free agency for players, Quinn has spent a lifetime dealing in the gritty sports business to make fair agreements for players. Quinn shares significant cases and legal proceedings across major American sports and tells stories of the courtroom battles he fought on behalf of players and labor leaders seeking economic justice in their workplace. He sheds light on known and unknown figures who committed to larger causes than themselves and that modern sports owes a debt to the leaders of the past who risked their careers. Through Quinn’s lengthy career he has helped to empower athletes to speak and act in the best interest of the sports community and overcome some of the toxic figures who sought to drag down league success for their own ego and greed. In Don’t Be Afraid to Win, Quinn provides a unique point of view of someone who was personally involved in making changes happen in the business. His is a masterful examination of how sports has grown dramatically over the decades, how it benefited from the rise of sports unions and free agency, and how there is still fairness to be gained across the leagues.

About The Author

As one of the nation’s premier trial lawyers over the last four decades, Jim Quinn represented the players unions in all four of the major professional North American sports leagues, helping to create and draft the first free agency agreement in professional sports, as well as the first salary cap in sports. Don’t be Afraid to Win is his third book.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Radius Book Group (November 5, 2019)
  • Length: 376 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781635766851

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