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High Hopes

A Memoir

Published by She Writes Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹741.00


About The Book

Fans of Cheryl Strayed’s Wild will root for Anne Abel as she intrepidly sets out alone for Australia at the age of sixty, seeking to capture some Bruce Springsteen energy and fight off her lifelong, debilitating depression.

At the age of fifty-nine, Anne has never been to a concert. Then, she reluctantly goes to a Bruce Springsteen concert—a man she knows nothing about—to spend time with her son and daughter-in-law. For three-plus hours Bruce Springsteen’s energy, humanity, and enthusiasm lift her out of her lifelong depression and makes her feel alive.

A year later, due to increasing classroom violence where she taught, Anne walks out the door thinking, I’m never coming back. But, getting into her car to go home, she realizes that because she suffers with severe recurrent depression, without the structure and focus of teaching she will be at risk for falling into a deep depression. She’s been inpatient twice at a psychiatric hospital, had three regimens of electroconvulsive shock therapy, and tried over twenty medications. Anne needs a new and different plan. Then she remembers: in four months Bruce Springsteen will be touring in Australia. So even though Anne hates to travel and be alone, she books the trip. Eight concerts, five cities, twenty-six days. She hopes that harnessing some of Bruce Springsteen’s energy will keep her out of the abyss.

Anne doesn’t go on this trip to change. But much to her surprise, she returns home a different person.

About The Author

Anne Abel is an author, storyteller, and influencer. Her first memoir, Mattie, Milo, and Me (2024), about unwittingly rescuing an aggressive dog, was inspired by her Moth StorySLAM win in New York City. Her second memoir, High Hopes, was inspired by her Moth StorySLAM win in Chicago. In January, 2025 she was featured in, “Boomer’s story about how she met her husband of 45 years captivates internet.” She holds an MFA from The New School for Social Research, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and a BS in chemical engineering from Tufts University. She has freelanced for multiple outlets over the course of her career.

Anne lives in New York City with her husband, Andy and their cavapoo puppy, Wendell. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok: @annesimaabel

Product Details

  • Publisher: She Writes Press (September 23, 2025)
  • Length: 256 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781647429737

Raves and Reviews

Praise for High Hopes

“. . . [a] rapturous—and wildly improbable—story . . .”—Anthony DeCurtis, Contributing Editor, Rolling Stone

“With the Boss’s humanism and boundless energy as her guide, Abel discovers a renewed sense of self in the wake of years of depression. A story of inspiration and rediscovery, High Hopes is the perfect tonic for our troubled age.”—Kenneth Womack, author of Bruce Songs and John Lennon 1980

“Anne Abel’s solo journey, at the age of 60, to the other side of the world to follow Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band is an extraordinary Bruce story. With bracing honesty, Abel immerses readers in the challenges of ill health and complicated relationships, as well as the joys of fandom and community, all of which help her realize her gifts as an observer, storyteller, and critic.” —Daniel Cavicchi, author of Tramps Like Us

“Anne’s ‘come to Bruce Springsteen’ moment, and the vibrant stories that unfolded from it, is the most unusual path I’ve heard about, and I have heard about quite a few from fans over the years. As Anne shared her deeply personal journey, I was reminded of the universal magic of unlocking pieces of yourself that is a side effect of Bruce Springsteen’s music—particularly when being immersed in his live performances. But don’t be mistaken. This isn’t really another book about Springsteen; this is an inspirational book about Anne’s self-discovery. Whether you have never seen Springsteen perform or you just exited the stadium of his last sold-out show, Anne’s storytelling will resonate long after the concert echo has faded.”—Donna Gray, founder of BruceFunds.Org

High Hopes is an authentic, gripping, heartfelt read. If you’re new to Anne Abel and/or Bruce Springsteen, you’ll come away as a fan of both!”—Jane Seskin, LCSW, author of Older, Wiser, Shorter: The Truth and Humor of Life After 65

“. . . a lyrical account of the resilience of the human spirit. It shows how Anne’s gritty determination, tempered by an open mind and an open heart, enabled her to find her long-silenced voice.” —Lee Ann Gullie, The Moth

“Reading this book as someone who is both a psychologist and a major Springsteen fan, and who has done my own work researching what matters to women fans of Bruce Springsteen, was compelling. . . . Her vulnerabilities make themselves known throughout the book. And you don’t have to be a psychologist to appreciate the journey, as the book is written for all fans.”—Lorraine Mangione, coauthor of Mary Climbs In: The Journeys of Bruce Spingsteen’s Women Fans

“Many aspects of [Anne’s] story are unique—not least her sudden discovery of popular music in late midlife—but the meaning, inspiration, solace, and joy she finds in Springsteen’s music and performances will resonate with many longtime fans.” —Donna Luff, coauthor of Mary Climbs In: The Journeys of Bruce Springsteen’s Women Fans

“What could be more therapeutic than a community of people enjoying the energizing Springsteen music? . . . The pervasive message is of hope, love and connection. And, of course, fun. The reader of High Hopes gets to share this experience with Anne as she brings it to life with her words. The reader may even find that their mood uplifts along with Anne’s as they see, hear, and feel the world as she experiences it.” —Jeanne Gemmill Griffin, PhD

“There’s a message for all of us here: Never be afraid to have new experiences. Sometimes, the best way to change our internal world is to be bold and take steps to change our outer world. It’s also a testament to the power of art to open hearts and minds and free the soul.”—P. Shavaun Scott, LMFT, author of The Minds of Mass Killers and Game Addiction

“Even more remarkable than Anne’s uncharted journey across the globe is how she so courageously shares her inner voice. For all of us who have a love/hate relationship with our own thoughts and view of ourselves, Anne’s story—entertaining, compelling, heartbreaking, and uplifting—is a reminder that we are not alone in our internal struggles, as well as that by not only listening to but also believing in and then allowing ourselves to be guided by that small voice inside of us, life-changing journeys of adventure, healing, and transformation are possible.”—Amy Weinland Daughters, author of Dear Dana and You Cannot Mess This Up

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