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Our Love Could Light the World

Published by She Writes Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹570.00


About The Book

You know the Dugans. They’re that scrappy family that lives down the street. Their yard is overgrown, they don’t pick up after their dog, their five children run free—leaving chaos in their wake—and the father hasn’t earned a cent in years. The wife holds them together on her income alone. You wouldn’t want them for neighbors—but from a distance, they’re quite entertaining. You can tell from the empty bottles lying under the bush out front that alcohol is an issue in the household—and all things considered, you can hardly blame the wife for leaving one day. Without her at the helm, the rest carry on the best they can. Their strong sense of family keeps them going. They help—and in some cases, rescue—each other as they struggle for a better life. And while they never follow the rules, or completely conquer the adversity with which they’re faced, they do manage to meet their challenges—and even earn some much-needed respect. Along the way, they might even make you proud. Set in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, the twelve linked stories of Our Love Could Light The World depict a dysfunctional family that’s messy and rude, cruel and kind, and loyal to the end.

About The Author

Anne Leigh Parrish’s debut story collection, All The Roads That Lead From Home, won the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards silver medal for best short story fiction. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in The Virginia Quarterly Review, Clackamas Literary Review, The Pinch, American Short Fiction, Storyglossia, PANK, Prime Number, Bluestem, Crab Orchard Review, Literary Orphans, Spartan, and r.kv.r.y., among other publications. She is the fiction editor for Eclectica Magazine. She lives in Seattle. To learn more, visit her at

Product Details

  • Publisher: She Writes Press (March 23, 2013)
  • Length: 202 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781938314452

Raves and Reviews

“Parrish weaves linked, darkly humorous tales of aging, death, love and alcoholism using the gothic tropes of Southern literary fiction.”
—Kirkus Reviews

“Parrish is in possession of such precise prose, devilish wit, and big-hearted compassion that I couldn’t help but be drawn into the hijinks and mishaps of the Dugan family. I found myself one moment laughing out loud, and the next, overcome with emotion. I’d compare these linked stories to those of George Saunders, Elizabeth Strout, or perhaps even Flannery O’Connor, if Parrish’s voice weren’t so clearly and wonderfully her own.”
—Ross McMeekin, Editor, Spartan

“Parrish knows the subtle movements of families in turmoil and the flailing attempts at love and peace. She takes you inside the homes of your neighbors, or of people like them, and she captures in fi ne detail their private, crippling agonies and their tiny, saving grace notes. Reading Our Love Could Light the World is like holding up a mirror—you see yourself, and then, if you look closely, you also see things you might otherwise have missed.”
—Craig Lancaster, author of 600 Hours of Edward

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