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Swallowed Whole

The Hidden Agendas Behind Decades of Nutrition Misinformation and the Lasting Effects on Your Health

Published by BenBella Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹855.00


About The Book

What we eat is a leading factor in our health, longevity, and quality of life, and can be a deciding factor in preventing fatal chronic diseases like cancer.

Yet even now, the overwhelming importance of nutrition in health is rarely part of the conversation.

In a compelling new analysis, T. Colin Campbell, coauthor of The China Study and author of the New York Times bestselling follow-up, Whole, brings to light a series of first-hand experiences that starkly demonstrate how corporate influence in academia, government and the media determines—and sometimes actively suppresses—public access to nutrition research.

With an eye-opening look behind-the-scenes of nutrition policy, Swallowed Whole maps out an alarming pattern that amplifies institutionally backed “standards of health” while suppressing substantial information on natural, nutritional alternatives. Campbell calls attention to shocking instances in which leading-edge research was prevented or silenced, including:
  • A report on the impact of nutrition on hepatitis B—with implications for COVID-19—that was rejected from academic journals without professional review
  • Research on the unique benefits of breastfeeding that was silenced in favor of funding from infant formula companies like Nestlé
  • An award-winning researcher’s promising children’s nutrition program, which failed to receive USDA funding when it came into competition with an academic peer
  • Established research that animal proteins promote cancer and heart disease, despite still be encouraged by government-mandated health guidelines

From school lunches and baby formula to cancer-preventing treatments, Swallowed Whole offers a knowledgeable, incisive perspective on overlooked science, the startling powers at work behind modern nutrition misinformation—and how it manifests on our plates.

About The Author

T. Colin Campbell, PhD, has been dedicated to the science of human health for more than 60 years. His primary focus is on the association between diet and disease, particularly cancer. Known for the China Study—one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted, and recognized by the New York Times as the “grand prix of human epidemiology”—Dr. Campbell’s profound impact also extends to education, public policy, and laboratory research. Dr. Campbell is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He has received more than 70 grant years of peer-reviewed research funding and authored more than 350 research papers. The China Study was the culmination of a 20-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine

Product Details

  • Publisher: BenBella Books (January 6, 2026)
  • Length: 272 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781637747568

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