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Working with Chakras for Belief Change

The Healing InSight Method

Published by Findhorn Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹799.00


About The Book

An easy-to-use therapy tool for transforming unhelpful belief patterns and envisioning positive change

• Identifies 28 beliefs per chakra that can be energetically realigned using the Healing InSight Method

• Offers a tool set of therapeutic processes, affirmations, visualization, and bodywork for the practical application of the transformational belief realignment method

• Includes 56 full-color, high-vibration chakra images, one for each main chakra as well as 7 additional empowering images for each chakra

• Paperback with lay flat binding

Working with Chakras for Belief Change transforms people’s unhelpful beliefs through clearing their chakras, raising their vibrations, and creating a fertile space for the New to come in. The Healing InSight Method presented in this practical full-color book is based on affirmations used together with individual chakra work and specific bodywork exercises, including techniques drawn from kinesiology, qigong, whole-brain integration, visualization, and infinity symbol exercises. Psychologist and energy therapist Nikki Gresham-Record channeled 28 common beliefs for each chakra, 196 total, which can be fully realigned using this transformational system of complete mind-body-spirit healing. The author organizes the beliefs around the chakra system and explains how unhealthy beliefs can take root within the chakras and the body. She shows how her belief realignment method is capable of changing beliefs and their associated vibrations in the subconscious mind and energy body, thus enabling any blocks to dissolve and your system to open up to the opportunity for change.

The 56 high-vibration chakra images included in this book can be used as a tool for therapeutic guidance as well as for positive manifestation. Each chakra is represented by a main chakra image along with 7 chakra aspect images, affirming potent qualities that we are all able to access when balanced and in harmony within ourselves. The artistry of the chakra images offers an immersion in the vibration of the empowering chakra-related beliefs and aids energetic resonance to help people feel good and begin healing. Also offering case studies and a life-review process to help the reader take stock of their situation before and after they begin the Healing InSight Method, Working with Chakras for Belief Change provides a gentle, energetic, yet potentially life-changing tool for personal growth and development.


Chapter 7: Developing the Necessary Tools

The Healing InSight system was created from guidance, intuition, knowledge, and experience of working with hundreds of clients and thousands of therapy hours. When my practice became full and my reputation had spread, it pained me to turn people down when they were asking for help. I still find it hard to refer people on because there are few qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, or psychologists that practice energy healing or belief work. I never could or would let energy work take away from the invaluable counselling psychology training that I did, but--on the ground, in my therapy practice--when we stumble upon an insight, a problem, a trauma or block, I use energy healing or energy psychology to change it.

Although it takes a little time to familiarize oneself with, this system is a comprehensive energy psychology and healing method that both clears emotion and unhelpful beliefs, re-aligning the user with a positive belief and coherent vibration from which to manifest the New. What I love most about teaching the method to my clients is seeing them transform their own suffering in between sessions. This is true personal empowerment in action.

There is nothing more important than connecting with our own authentic power, which means being the creator of our own realities and knowing how to harness the power of our minds for good. We all need support for sure, but we are capable of helping ourselves and when we do, the universe truly supports us.

Chapter 8: The Simple Belief Realignment Method

In the preceding chapter, we have learned how to identify our negative beliefs and celebrate that we have found them! We remember that locating a negative belief gives us an opportunity to shift our vibration and realign with a healthier, happier, more supportive, and well serving belief. This in turn positively impacts our emotions, behavior choices, and life. We have taught our body how to muscle test and are aware of what our “yes” and “no” look like. We have practiced the “wu chi” standing posture that grounds us and sets us up as an empty vessel between heaven and earth, ready for an energy realignment. We have also learned the infinity harmonizing movement which brings balance and harmony to our energy body and, thereafter, our physical body. Now it is time to learn the simple belief realignment method.

There are 6 main steps to the protocol, which are as follows:

1. Permission Statements

2. The Movement

3. Left & Right Brain Activation & Congruence

4. Belief Embodiment Visualization

5. Ground and Plant the New Alignment

6. Test it

Let's continue to step 1 and work through this sequence. There is an easy-to-follow table at the end of the chapter to use once you have learned the protocol.

Step 1. Permission Statements

This step is really about getting all of the parts of your self on board with making this shift. What I mean by that is getting the conscious self, including the ego that is serving to protect you, working together with your higher self and your subconscious mind.

Once we have acknowledged that your whole self is ready to make this belief change, we use the muscle test that we learned earlier to check that what you are about to change is for your highest and best good. Issues involving fear and safety can play a large part in keeping us stuck, so you may need to re-think your belief statement to support your fears around change and letting go of protection. You will learn more about this in the next chapter.

Step 2. The Movement

This is the movement that you will use throughout the entire realignment process. Practice it to develop the muscle memory.

2-a. Align in Wu Chi. Feet apart, knees soft and open, hips neutral, shoulders relaxed, breath relaxed, you are coming into being an empty vessel between the energies of heaven and earth so that these can flow through you to assist in your energy re-alignment. For more information about energy re-alignment, review the previous chapter and/or resources section of the book.

2-b. Perform the infinity harmonizing move over the lower Dan Tien (the area just below the naval). This is the sideways figure of eight with palms turning at each end to face the heavens or the earth.

Step 3. Left & Right Brain Activation & Congruence

3-a. Bring your awareness and attention to the energy in your left hand (or whichever hand should be first, as discovered in step 4), repeating your belief, until the same (left or right) hemisphere of the brain feels activated.

3-b. Bring your awareness and attention to the energy in your right hand (or whichever hand is not first), repeating your belief, until the same (left or right) hemisphere of the brain feels activated.

3-c. Hold both hemispheres of the brain in a whole-body awareness, simply as an observer, continuing to repeat the belief as you witness the sensation of release and/or belief alignment.

You may notice brain activation by a subtle tingling sensation, heat, light or heaviness in the hemisphere. Wait until you are sure that the hemisphere has activated.

Step 4. Belief Embodiment Visualisation

4-a. When the hemispheres are activated and the belief alignment feels congruent, bring the hands into the body and close your eyes.

4-b. Take 68 seconds (just over a minute) to connect with what this now feels like. Allow a vision to come to mind that represents you with this new belief and its associated possibilities in your life.

Use your imagination and just run with it! This process gives you an opportunity to start to resonate with a new vibration so make it as big, bright and shiny as you can.

About The Author

Nikki Gresham-Record is one of the UK’s leading spiritual healers as well as a chartered counseling psychologist and teacher of Reiki and Qigong. She developed her Healing InSight Method for belief change by drawing on her professional background and her interest in vibrational-emotional healing and the power of belief. She works with a broad client base as well as facilitates workshops. She lives with her family in Midhurst, West Sussex, UK.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Findhorn Press (November 5, 2019)
  • Length: 304 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781620559024

Raves and Reviews

“This superbly clear, compassionate, fired-up, wise guide is a complete system in a book. The integration key that makes sure you actually receive the adjustments uses classical qigong movements to embody the change. Genius!”

– Clara Apollo, director of New Forest Elemental Qigong and Conscious Living Events and founding membe

“This book is simply marvelous. It is the epitome of the perfect read in terms of a healing modality and can be accessed straight away. Thoroughly researched information, inspirational lessons, healing tools, channeled guidance, and the whole truths about the author’s own spiritual journey and how she healed herself are all part of the rich tapestry that will have you intrigued on every page. Nikki gives you a complete sense of understanding why she was divinely inspired to create this healing system that empowers people to heal themselves. The depth of her knowledge and experiences, plus her high intuitive nature, will have you captivated. A must-read, this book is life-changing.”

– DENISE DEVLIN, author of The Untold Story: Peter and Jesus–The Gap Years

“Nikki Gresham-Record draws from her own personal healing journey from incurable lupus to full recovery and her extensive experience working with clients as a psychologist, counselor, empath, and intuitive healer to help the reader understand the steps needed for healing to occur. The Healing InSight method utilizes great sources of wisdom, giving us a way to identify the limiting beliefs that prevent healing. It encourages us to face our fears and to listen to our body’s pain as a cry for help that when heard will lead us to wholeness. Readers will be encouraged to take responsibility for the creation of health, happiness, and healing in their own lives and will be left with the feeling that they are powerful creators of their own reality.”

– RICHARD ELLIS, author of Reiki and the Seven Chakras and The Heart of Reiki

“You are holding in your hand a skillfully crafted masterpiece. Nikki is a mistress of top-level energy work, with years of research and successful practical application. Here, she asks you to pay attention to the finer details of your life: what are you putting up with that you know is not really you? Using specific techniques to uncover unconscious blocks, this Healing InSight method asks what disturbance you would like to shift and where it feels locked at a chakra level. Nikki shows you how you can move past this for good.
“This superbly clear, compassionate, fired-up, wise guide is a complete system and has links to a range of supporting material. You are not on your own. The integration key that makes sure you actually receive the adjustments uses classical qigong movements to embody the change. Genius! This component is often overlooked in not-so-successful talk-based therapies. Change is hugely possible, and necessary, when you harmonize body, mind, and soul. Your gifts then have a clear channel to manifest through for you and to influence the field of energy that links each and every one of us.”

– CLARA APOLLO, director of New Forest Elemental Qigong and Conscious Living Events

“Occasionally a book comes along from someone who can offer hands-on advice that we can learn from. It is a book where the language and content is very clear. Thank you, Nikki, for shining a light and sparking my interest once again into mind, body and spirit. It is my pleasure to recommend this excellent book.”

– JOE DALTON, host of Breakthrough Brands radio show

"What a miracle worker this 304 page labor of love is. I was completely woke up by the idea of healing ones belief systems through the chakras. I am well aware that disease has so much to do with the beliefs and resulting actions we hold. The method is simple and easy to follow and I loved the pictures throughout. The message was loud and clear as we change our thoughts we change our energy and we heal. I truly would recommend my new best friend to anyone wanting a healthier way to be and a gentle way to get there. Thanks Nikki, I so get this."

– Riki Frahmann, Mystic Living Today

"Like many of my exceptional guests Nikki embodies the soul of a messenger of truth so needed in these difficult modern times. Nikki shows how to implement important changes in our thinking and choices while opening up to life with eyes and our hearts to the newness of experiences...She is truly answering the call to serve and to shine with excellence. It was a truly artful soulful purposeful informative discussion and one which I thoroughly enjoyed."

– Sheryl Glick, host of Healing from Within

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