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Zara's Big Messy Playdate

Contributions by Alexandra Jamieson and Bob Gower / Illustrated by Danielle Pioli
Published by Wheat Penny Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

LIST PRICE ₹570.00


About The Book

Getting along can be tough, even with friends. So what happens when you have to get along with the playground bully?

When working on a project together lands Zara and Penelope in a big messy argument, help shows up just in time.

Written by Rebekah Borucki, a mother-of-five and bestselling author, Zara's Big Messy Playdate offers young readers a method for handling tricky situations and expressing themselves in safe, effective ways.

This is the third book in the "Big Messy" book series, which features Zara's Big Messy Day, a book about mindfulness that is used in public elementary school curriculum nationwide.

Included is a guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers by Alexandra Jamieson and Bob Gower, authors of Radical Alignment and creator of the All-In Method, a communications framework that allows organizations, teams, couples, families and more share their thoughts and reach a common ground before conflict escalates, so everyone can move forward effectively with alignment and trust.

Get free gifts: You'll also get free access to downloadable coloring pages, an exclusive guided meditation for kids, and more! Just use the website link found inside the book to download your exclusive gifts.

Praise for Zara's Big Messy Playdate:

“Zara beautifully offers mindfulness for kids and adults alike.” — Rachel Ricketts, activist and author of Do Better

“Friends, I cannot recommend these books enough. Get Zara for you, your kids, your nieces, your nephews... They’re just so beatitful!” — Jennifer Pastiloff, author of the National Bestseller, On Being Human

About The Author

Rebekah Borucki is the founder of Row House Publishing and an author of books for big and little readers. She lives in New Jersey with her family and a gaggle of misfit four-legged friends.

About The Illustrator

Product Details

  • Publisher: Wheat Penny Press (June 7, 2022)
  • Length: 48 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781736241059
  • Ages: 4 - 8

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