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Aladdin Classics
An Anne of Green Gables Novel
Canterwood Crest
Goddess Girls
Half Upon a Time
Hardy Boys
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My Teacher Books
Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective
Nancy Drew Files
Nancy Drew on Campus
Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys
Nancy Drew: Girl Detective Super Mystery
R.L. Stine's Ghosts of Fear Street
Scribner Classics
The Books of Umber
The Unwanteds
Tom Swift, Young Inventor
Persephone the Daring
(Book #11 of Goddess Girls)
Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
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Cassandra the Lucky
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Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
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Anne of Green Gables Library (Boxed Set)
(Part of An Anne of Green Gables Novel)
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Stage Fright
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Carolyn Keene and Franklin W. Dixon
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Mystery at Malachite Mansion
(Book #46 of Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective)
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Bonfire Masquerade
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Franklin W. Dixon and Carolyn Keene
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